Around the start of covid we had coincidentally purchased our first home. That led to the realization that "I'm a fucking adult" and I could pursue one of my kid dreams of having a telescope - in our newly acquired back yard. One thing led to another, I realized nebula were awesome to look at and explore, and now I've gone down this astrophotography journey.
You'll find me on Astrodon, and sometimes streaming on Twitch. I also occasionally publish updates on IG: @noevalleyastronomer.
My primary imaging rig is a Stellarvue SVX152T, equipped with a ZWO 6200MM monochrome camera, mounted on a Paramount MX+. I also have a much more accessible William Optics GT71, which is what I got my start with.

I hope to embed an Astrobin widget at some point, but for now, take a look at my few examples: @zeeg on Astrobin